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SPR Tests Zoomquilt Application on 16 Mobile Devices and Desktop Platforms



A major supplier of technology solutions for government, business, and education developed a responsive web application to exhibit the dynamic capabilities of their brand solutions. One feature of their campaign was a technology-laden vehicle traveling around the country providing hands on demonstrations of the firm’s creative tech solutions. The presentation of the user experience would manifest according to the mobile device it was accessed on, and each possible device configuration needed to demonstrate the seamless efficiency of their technology engineering.

To complement this interactive vehicle, the client wanted to captivate online users in a similarly engaging experience by evoking the impression of driving through their site to observe their various technology solutions. Recognizing that nobody wants a bumpy ride, the firm sought out the skilled SPR onshore testing team to ensure the application presented fluid transitions with multi-platform functionality.


In the past, this client had a single tester working on a tight schedule to confirm the functions of applications on multiple mobile devices, therefore missing or overlooking certain issues was both probable and detrimental. SPR offered a different tactic by utilizing the skilled efficiency of several testers to investigate the application on multiple platforms thereby assuring full coverage.

Knowing that testing would be executed within a short timeframe, days before the application was given, the SPR team was already familiar with the requirements and poised with comprehensive test cases. Once a build was ready, the SPR team was able to examine the application and assess its features for accurate presentation of imagery, optimal functionality, and multi-platform and device compatibility. This was a dynamic application, rich with both integrated media and complex navigational elements. Working within a tight schedule, the rapid communication of bugs and the critical feedback from the testers across multiple platforms and devices provided the developers with crucial information to draw on during their production process.


The firm launched their application on schedule with confidence due in part to complete testing coverage. SPR's efficient and methodical approach to testing along with a team of testers to cover 16 mobile devices and desktop platforms provided a unique solution for this firm. The consistently reliable supply of defect information to the developers assisted in the delivery of a high quality application that exhibited smooth transitions and multi-platform compatibility. With SPR on the team, the client achieved high-quality and engaging content of their technology solutions.