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SPR Video Expert Series: Data analytics dominates as top IT priority

Author: SPR Posted In: Data

To determine what trends are shaping IT leadership in 2022, SPR conducted a survey of over 400 tech executives.  We found that data analytics dominates as a top IT priority. With demand for data driving business decisions, strong data science and data engineering processes are more important than ever.

SPR CTO Matt Mead sat down with SPR’s Zachary Bannor, Senior Data Engineer, and Kevin Young, Data Engineer, to talk about data best practices. Watch the discussion below as Matt, Zach and Kevin cover topics including: the importance of a solid data engineering foundation in any IT organizations data practice, iterative data science, data practice maturity, and creating strong data practices.

52% of respondents said that data analytics and business intelligence were the top initiative that their technology organization was allocating resources to.

SPR Video Expert Series: Data Analytics