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Chicago .NET User Group – July 2017


Chicago .NET Users Group
How to Easily Tame Microsoft Azure

July 27, 2017 at 6:15 PM
3025 Highland Pkwy # 300, Downers Grove, IL (map)


While Microsoft Azure has tons of benefits, it’s no secret that provisioning and managing IT environments on Azure can get complex – especially given the myriad of technologies and tool-sets required. Plus, the cost associated with Azure can become substantial if not actively managed. Fortunately, there are ways to simplify on-boarding and administration of Azure environments, as well as better optimization of costs by adjusting compute and storage consumption to actual utilization. Come learn how to overcome these hurdles so you can easily and successfully take advantage of all the power and flexibility that Azure.has to offer.

Speaker: Vadim Vladimirskiy, CEO and Co-Founder, Adar Inc.

As a creative technologist with an aptitude for business, Vadim Vladimirskiy is the head honcho at Nerdio. He was the key driver behind the evolution of Nerdio, seeking to bring ITaaS to the masses in a cost-effective, standardized package. With over a decade of impressive IT experience and education, Vadim has applied his ever-growing knowledge to many tech roles, one of which was how he met the fellow entrepreneurs who would become his business partners, and shared his vision of providing organizations with an affordable, streamlined ITaaS offering. Though he met many skeptics along the way, Vadim has persevered to successfully build an innovative, high-growth business, with a culture that can’t be beat. When he’s not actively pushing the IT envelope, Vadim spends his time at home, with his loving wife and four boisterous kids.

6:15 PM: Refreshments and networking hour

7:00 PM: How to Easily Tame Microsoft Azure

8:30 PM: Q&A and wrap-up.