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Chicago .NET User Group – September 2017


Chicago .NET Users Group
R: It’s Not Just For Pirates Anymore

September 21, 2017 at 6:15 PM
3025 Highland Pkwy # 300, Downers Grove, IL (map)


The .NET family of languages covers a wide range of different programming paradigms. Until recently, data analysis wasn’t well-represented in the .NET world. With today’s proliferating amounts of data, all developers should consider learning more about data analysis. Enter R, a language tailor-made for data analysis. With the release of R Tools for Visual Studio, .NET developers can use this powerful language using familiar tools.

In this talk, we’ll explore the R programming language, what you can do with it, and why R is a good addition to your toolkit. We’ll talk about both traditional R tools and Microsoft’s data analysis tools. After this talk, you’ll be slicing and dicing data with ease.

Speaker: Dustin Ewers

Dustin Ewers is a consultant who has been building software for over 10 years, specializing in Microsoft technologies. He is an active member of the technical community, speaking at user groups and conferences in and around Wisconsin.

6:15 PM: Refreshments and networking hour

7:00 PM: R: It’s Not Just For Pirates Anymore by Dustin Ewers

8:30 PM: Q&A and wrap-up.