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Chicago Office 365 User Group – September 2018


Using Azure Information Protection in Office 365 to Protect Data

SPR is hosting the Chicago Office 365 User Group.

Organizations are increasingly grappling with how to protect sensitive data in the world of cloud computing and sophisticated hacking and phishing techniques. Sometimes protecting this data is required under law (e.g., GDPR, ITAR, and DFARS). Other times, protecting this data is crucial to the long-term success of the organization (e.g., intellectual property, sensitive employee or customer data, and strategic organization plans). Whatever the reason, Azure Information Protection (AIP) can help secure data that is stored in Office 365, Azure or on-premises.

In this session, we will:

  • Review the AIP plan options as well as the key features under each option.
  • Discuss compliance and business scenarios under which it makes the most sense to implement AIP.
  • Demonstrate the configuration of AIP rules for a couple of key scenarios.

Food and drink will be provided.