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GOTO Night Chicago – February 2020


SPR is hosting the GOTO Night Chicago Meetup on February 18, 2020 at the Willis Tower.

Modularity in Software: A Retrospective

Object-oriented programming promised us reusable, modular, component software. We were going to have exchanges where you could buy and sell components, like we buy and sell soybeans and steel beams. Instead, we got artisanal, small-batch, quirky and non-reusable spaghetti code. What went wrong?

Today, we are excited about functional programming, microservices, serverless computing and Kubernetes. They’re taking us closer to this dream of modular, reusable components. Why are they working?

We’re also seeing the seams emerge in monolithic systems that are yielding fruitful decomposition into reusable subsystems, like distributed computing libraries (Akka, Ray), efficient data formats for memory (Apache Arrow) and on disk (Apache Parquet).

Dean will explore what we’ve learned about software modularity and how we’re finding workable boundaries for decomposing systems. He’ll discuss where problems remain and speculate about the future of software modularity.