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ITKAN Monthly Meeting – April 2016


Hands On the Help Desk Support Role


At the February ITKAN meeting, Tim Grogan of Level 10 shared his insights about getting started in IT and taught us about the help desk career path. Come back for the April meeting and share your experiences as well as get a hands on look at the help desk support role from Tim.

Join us in the lab April 14th for a hands on look behind the Help Desk Support role. You’ll have the chance to practice providing live support to end users as Level 1, level 2, and level 3 support. Learn how to use a Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) and practice the communication skills needed to provide quality support. Following the lab we’ll be discussing ‘how to handle frustrated users’ and ‘providing secure support’.

Tim Grogan is a support technician with 5 years of experience in the field. He turned an experience with a corrupted laptop in college into a new set of skills and jobs in repair and user training. His first real IT position was at an end-of-lease IT refurbishing company where he worked on improving the repair process and led training for iPad repair. After a year he moved to Staging and Integration at Level 10, a MSP providing asset management, deployment planning, and in-field support for retailers. As a technician there he provides hardware configuration and deployment support for ongoing projects.

The next meeting will be
April 14, 2016, 5-7PM
Aon Tower
Microsoft Technology Center, 2nd Floor
200 E. Randolph St
Chicago, IL 60601