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ITKAN Monthly Meeting – August 2016


The Lane Tech Array of Things


Many of us know about the Internet of Things, but what about the Array of Things (AoT)? This system of sensors placed around a city provides real-time feedback about specific locations. Depending on what they’re programmed to collect, the sensors might gather data on air quality, light, pollution or density of people. These arrays are being used in cities in Europe and Asia, and now they are coming to Chicago.

Join us at the next member meeting when Jeff Solin discusses the Array of Things and the micro-example, Lane of Things, he’s set up for students at Lane Tech High School. The students devise sensor kits to gather and analyze data on school life as part of a six-week curriculum that ties into the city’s Array of Things environmental sensor initiative.

Jeff Solin is a Computer Science / Making teacher and FIRST Robotics coach at Lane Tech College Prep High School in Chicago, IL. Through the National Science Foundation and eventually a partnership with Code.org, this team successfully helped create CS pathways for both students and teachers in all of Chicago Public Schools through an initiative known as CS 4 All. Jeff also designed and built the LT Maker Lab (Twitter: @LTMakers), wrote the curriculum for the course and currently teaches over 150 students in the space. Jeff is also a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Illinois at Chicago. With a BS in CS and an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from Ohio State University Jeff is honored to have been a recipient of the Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction Award and a nominee for the Golden Apple Award.

The next meeting will be
August 11, 2016, 5-7PM
Aon Tower
Microsoft Technology Center, 2nd Floor
200 E. Randolph St
Chicago, IL 60601