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ITKAN Monthly Meeting – December 2017



Please join us on Thursday, December 14th for an engaging, fast-paced, end-of-year discussion on 10 big topics in tech! Several members on our advisory team will briefly present on one of the 10 breakthrough technologies of 2017 as noted by the MIT Technology Review.

These technologies all have staying power. They will affect the economy and our politics, improve medicine, or influence our culture. Some are unfolding now; others will take a decade or more to develop, but we’ll all benefit from being aware of each!

We will start promptly at 5:30 pm so we can cover each topic in 10-15 minutes.


ITKAN is a member-driven professional networking and growth organization with a focus on professionals and aspiring professionals with disabilities within the technology field. Cofounded by SPR’s Director of Civic Engagement, Pat Maher, ITKAN is affiliated with the Illinois Technology Foundation – the not-for-profit academic arm of the Illinois Technology Association. The group meets face-to-face on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 5-7PM CST at the Microsoft Technology Center in Chicago.