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Product Strategy and Design Meetup Chicago – March 2019


AI/UX – Ethical questions, human interfaces and technology, and the future

At the Product Strategy and Design meet-up SPR thought leaders will join a diverse panel to discuss the ethics, human interfaces, technology, and the future of AI. As designers, technologist, and business leaders, the promise of artificial intelligence offers us a world of opportunities. Come learn about this complex subject while enjoying a night of food, drink and networking.

Litha Ramirez – Experience Strategy & Design, Executive Director
Recognized in 2015 as Chicago’s Best Tech Manager with a Timmy Award, Litha is a customer-focused product and UX leader, with a strong track record of building high-performing, cross-functional teams that drive business outcomes through innovative, effective, and sustainable digital product solutions.

Pat Ryan – Executive Vice President, Delivery Management at SPR
Proven technology leader and practitioner with expertise in building and maintaining enterprise class web applications and high-volume transaction processing systems. My passion is being able to consume business requirements and create software architectures to meet the business needs along with direct involvement with the successful development and implementation.

See the full list of speakers on the Product Strategy and Design Chicago Meetup page.