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QUEST Conference 2016


QUEST Conference 2016

April 18 through April 22, 2016 from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM daily
Chicago, IL
The Renaissance Chicago Downtown


SPR Consulting is proud to be a Gold sponsor of this year’s QUEST Conference 2016.

QUEST 2016 Conference is the best source for new technologies and proven methods for Quality Engineered Software and Testing. Thought leaders, evangelists, innovative practitioners, and IT professionals from across North America gather together for a week packed with classes, tutorials, educational sessions, hand-on workshops, discussions groups, EXPO, and networking events. Let your quest to build, test, and deliver quality software begin with QUEST 2016! Topics covered include:

  • Agile
  • Leadership
  • Measurement
  • Test Design
  • Automation
  • Open Source
  • Performance
  • Test Data
  • Mobile
  • Security
  • DevOps
  • And More…

In addition, come see our Software Test Manager, Paul Herzog, at his April 20th session, Simplicity: The Path to Achieving Agile Testing Efficiency.

April 20, 2016
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

The pace of an Agile project creates demands efficiency in all testing techniques and processes. Traditional approaches run counter to this efficiency and must be changed during the Agile transition. Join Paul as he applies the Agile Manifesto Principle #10: “Simplicity – the art of maximizing the amount of work not done – is essential” to distinguish what past testing practices work and don’t work to clean out the clutter of the non-working. He will identify common process traps when adopting Agile methodologies, suggest priorities that are most important to Agile testing, and present ways to remove testing inefficiencies. Determine how to include process evaluation in regular Sprint Retrospectives or other checkpoints and implement continuous improvement focused on simplicity. Experience a successful transition to Agile with Paul!

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify what has to be changed and change it before the Agile transition
  • Get rid of extraneous information that clutters the project and reduces efficiency
  • Motivate your team for continuous improvement and eliminate “that how we have always done it” syndrome