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Women Who Hack



Thursday, April, 27, 2017, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Sprout Social
131 South Dearborn
7th Floor
Chicago, IL

SPR Consulting will be at Women Who Hack, an invite-only recruiting event exclusively for women in tech. Female developers, designers and project managers are encouraged to attend this unique event, which features 5-minute rapid interviews in a relaxed venue.

Women Who Hack events offer intimate face-to-face opportunities to meet and interact with some of the world’s most innovative companies in a casual environment. The evening will kick off with diversity talks followed by the rapid interviews to keep things engaging and fun. Attendees can meet up to 20 companies in 2 hours in a pressure-free environment.

SPR Consulting encourages a diverse talent pool to build our team and strengthen our company. We look forward to meeting the best and brightest at Women Who Hack, as we join in their efforts for more diversity, equality and inclusiveness in the tech industry.

The event is by invite only. Get your invitation now.