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Our Experience and Design Offerings

What will advance your product or design goals? We have an offering to match.

Develop Your Ideas

You want to develop new models or explore new ways of thinking about your product. Try the Design Thinking Workshop.


Envision a New Product or Feature

You want to align excite, and get funding for new products or features to bring to market. Consider a POC.

A sleek stopwatch icon placed against a minimalistic black background.

Get to Market Faster

You want to reduce design and implementation times. Boost your Design Sprints.


Upskill Your Team

You want to level up your product/UX team, and/or your critical initiative requires expert attention. Invest in Hands-on Coaching.

Let's Talk about Design

Landing: Experience Design Offerings

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Looking to develop your ideas? Explore this offering:


Share your ideas and explore solutions in a design thinking workshop led by SPR experts. Our team facilitates a workshop where you receive:

  • A tangible, prioritized solution that you can take and scale
  • Action items to move forward with lowered risks and costs, as well as ways to gain employee and leadership buy-in

Duration: 2-3 days
Investment: $10k-$20k

A light bulb surrounded by speech bubbles.


A group of people sitting around a table with sticky notes, utilizing software for private equity firms.

Ready to expand on a new product? Consider this offering:


Create proofs of concept to scope new products, define features, and align on vision and success. Our team delivers a POC through a series of exercises, including:

  • Ideation
  • Prototype POC design that aligns on vision to generate excitement and funding
  • Customer and/or stakeholder validation
  • Coaching on gaining leadership buy-in
  • Identified success measures and KPIs

Duration: 2 weeks
Investment: $10k-$25k


Need to get to market faster? Try this offering:


Focus on your product or innovation initiative with expert guidance during a design sprint. Work through a 2-week design sprint or two 1-week design sprints with our team. Focus on:

  • Tangible outcomes from the sprint; for example, outcome-based workshops, design prototypes, customer testing, and design iteration based on feedback
  • Learning how to successfully conduct iterative sprints on your own

Duration: 2 weeks
Investment: $20k-$40k

A laptop emitting colorful smoke, showcasing cutting-edge software for private equity firms.


Through experience design, a person is touching a colorful light on a screen.

Looking to upskill your team? Invest in this offering:


Recieve on-the-job guidance on how to conduct research, strategy, and design for cross-functional teams. We help coordinate DesignOps with DevOps, product, and business teams, and practice product innovation while iteratively designing. Working on a real project for your organization, activities include:

  • Discovery
  • Alignment
  • Setting expectations
  • Launching initiatives
  • Execution

Duration: 8 weeks
Investment: $40k-$60k