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SPR Video Expert Series: How IT organizations are building cloud maturity in 2022

Author: SPR Posted In: Cloud

SPR conducted a survey of over 400 tech executives to determine what trends would shape IT leadership in 2022, including the changing landscape of cloud computing as organizations increase their cloud maturity. In fact, 50% of tech leaders would rank their cloud maturity as very mature, the highest rating in our study.

SPR CTO Matt Mead sat down with George Burns III, Senior Cloud Operations Engineer at SPR, to get a cloud expert’s take on the state of cloud computing. Hear Matt and George talk about decoupling monolithic applications, taking advantage of the technical and cost benefits of the cloud, cloud maturity, DevOps, how cross-functional teams build security into the software development life cycle (SDLC), and more.

50% of respondents said that their organization's cloud maturity was very mature, 35% said somewhat mature, 13% said somewhat immature, and 2% said very immature.

SPR Video Expert Series: Cloud