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SPR Video Expert Series: Security a top focus for IT leaders in the next 12 months

Author: SPR Posted In: Strategy

It’s no surprise that security is top of mind for IT leaders, as we learned in a survey of over 400 tech executives to determine what trends are shaping IT leadership in 2022. In fact, the majority of respondents said they integrate security into the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to a great extent.

SPR CTO Matt Mead and Justin Rodenbostel, Executive Vice President of Delivery at SPR, explore the state of security in this video including: finding your security stakeholders, how cross-functional teams include security concerns within the SDLC, and the way the role of IT is shifting.

67% of respondents said that their IT organization integrates security into the software development lifecycle to a great extend. 25% said to a good extend.

Justin and Matt Talk Security for the Future