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CAMP IT Conferences – Business Intelligence, Analytics and Big Data Strategies


CAMP IT Conferences – Business Intelligence / Analytics / Big Data Strategies

SPR Consulting’s Practice Lead, Data Management,  Ray Johnson, will present at CAMP IT Conferences.

Date: June 9, 2015
Location: Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont (O’Hare) Illinois


The all day conference will cover strategies to empower your organization, to use data carefully and strategically. How can IT leverage BI initiatives to become a stronger partner and ally to business units? What pitfalls should be avoided?

Ray will present from 10:30am-11:30am.

How to Design Your BI Architecture to Support Big Data & Analytics

There are great benefits to be found by the BI organizations that embrace analytics and big data. But how do you accomplish this?

In this session attendees will learn:

  • What a master data repository is and how to leverage it for your BI projects
  • Where to address the challenges of data quality and data transformation
  • How to manage cross-references
  • How to reuse the master data definitions from the enterprise information
  • How to migrate the solution of data transformation and quality challenges from a BI environment to BI/Analytics environment

Since 1984, CAMP IT Conferences has produced events designed to help IT professionals understand new technologies and make the critical, strategic and tactical decisions for their enterprises.

CAMP’s speakers all have practical experience in their topic area, as well as excellent presentation skills. Over 32,000 enterprise IT executives, management and technical-staff representing over 5,500 individual organizations have been to CAMP.