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Chicago SQL BI User Group: Self Service BI With a Tool End Users Already Know & Love


Self Service BI With a Tool End Users Already Know & Love

Date and Location

Wednesday, March 15th
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Microsoft Technology Center
200 E. Randolph
Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60601


Your end users want to analyze data in your data warehouse. They want it yesterday and they want to do it themselves so that it’s done “right”. Welcome PowerPivot, tool that analyzes data from your data warehouse by combining the power of Analysis Services models and your SQL Server Data warehouse within the familiar interface of MS Excel. In this presentation well explore the Analysis Services BI Semantic model & PowerPivot in Excel… Love, Like or hate Excel – Your end users are familiar with it and PowerPivot is the best thing to happen to it in years.

Our speaker this months is Wylie Blanchard. Wylie is a frequent presenter within the PASS community and at SQL Saturdays.

Please note this meeting is starting at 6:00 which is later than the usual time. Also note this meeting is Bring Your Own Dinner because we were not able to find a sponsor this month.

The Chicago SQL BI User Group hosts free monthly meetings for SQL and Business Intelligence professionals to meet, learn, and network. Speakers present a different topic each month covering both SQL BI topics and relevant non-SQL technologies. Dinner, refreshments, and door prizes are provided by sponsors.