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ITKAN Monthly Meeting – May 2017


Designing Accessible User Experiences


Enhancing user satisfaction through design is an important aspect of creating a web site or mobile app. Accessibility empowers people with disabilities to perceive, understand, navigate, interact with, and contribute to the greater community through the web and mobile apps. Join us at the next ITKAN meeting as Rebecca Lawson, a user experience consultant at Microsoft, speaks on creating accessible and inclusive user experiences.

Rebecca Lawson is a User Experience (UX) Consultant in Microsoft Consulting Services. Her focus areas include user research, accessibility, inclusive design, graphic design and usability. Rebecca received her degree in User Experience Design from the University of Michigan School of Information in Ann Arbor.

There will be an American Sign Language interpreter at this event.

May 11, 2017, 5-7:00PM
Aon Tower
Microsoft Technology Center, 2nd Floor
200 E. Randolph St
Chicago, IL 60601