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SharePoint/Cloud Saturday Chicago Suburbs 2018


SPR is a Platinum sponsor of this year’s SharePoint/Cloud Saturday Chicago Suburbs.

Stop by our booth and listen to of our experts speak. SharePoint\Office 365\Cloud administrators, end users, architects, developers, and other professionals that work with Microsoft Collaboration or Cloud Technologies will meet to share the latest information for working with SharePoint, Office365, and related offerings from Microsoft.

Speaker: John Merline, Senior Consultant

Time: 10:15 – 11:15 am
Session Title:  Why Isn’t the Cloud Cheaper?

Factoring in the cost of shared infrastructure, the cloud is cheaper than legacy infrastructure.  But the frictionless nature of cloud purchases and demand for feature velocity (aka multiple environments) promotes resource usage.   What are best practices for those controlling costs? For most organizations, virtual machine charges make up the majority of cloud costs.  What are the pricing and consumption factors that drive these costs?  How can we use that information to reduce those costs or at least better understand the tradeoffs?

Speaker: Doug Hemminger, Practice Leader

Time: 12:00 – 1 pm
Session Title: Designing and Building a Highly Available On-Premises SharePoint 2016 Farm

In this session, you will not only learn the technical software and hardware resource requirements for SharePoint 2016, but you will also learn how to scale those resource requirements to suit your organization’s specific capacity needs. We will apply those learnings and demonstrate the process of building out a new SharePoint 2016 farm.

The event is a community-focused event dedicated to educate and engage members of the local technical community. SharePoint Saturday and Cloud Saturday draws upon the expertise of local IT Professionals, Users of Technology, Developers and Solution Architects who come together to share their real-world experiences, lessons learned, best practices, and general knowledge with other like-minded individuals.