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Transform Manual Testers to Automation Specialists with Tosca’s Scriptless Automation


Join this live webinar on Tuesday, July 16 to learn about scriptless automation using the Gartner Magic Quadrant leader, Tricentis Tosca. In this session we’ll cover why automation is crucial for today’s software development world, including insightful discussion on:

  • Coded vs. codeless automation
  • Constructing resilient end-to-end tests with scriptless automation
  • How to transform your manual testing team into modern automation specialists

Al Rago has over 30 years of experience in engineering and IT consulting. As SPR’s Modern Testing Practice Lead, he is focused on helping customers optimize their value for spend on software testing and helping them transform their existing teams to keep up with the pace of modern software development. Al has built successful consulting practices and implemented a variety of software testing strategies throughout the lifetime of his career.