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UXD Chicago Meetup – September 2018


Leveraging the Value of UX

SPR is sponsoring the UXD Chicago September Meetup. Litha Ramirez, our Director of Experience Strategy & Design, is moderating the panel discussion.


Danyell Jones – User Experience Research Lead, ZS

Getting Value from Corporate Research: We get it, your design teams are swamped with requests, and your project or product managers are juggling an insane amount of projects at any given time. So, you just toss your projects over the fence to your research team and they’re going to magically get the answers you need, right? Unfortunately, good research is not a rotisserie chicken- you can’t just “set it and forget it”. In order to have real value, corporate research requires integration between teams, but how do you develop a flexible research process when supporting multiple teams? Collaboration becomes key- here’s what we’ve done to move from passive research to interactive research.


Danyell Jones – User Experience Research Lead, ZS

Jason Kunesh – Design Director, City of Chicago

Pradeep Nayar – Director Of User Experience – Allstate

Jason Ulaszek – Founder and Chief Design Officer – Inzovu

Moderator – Litha Ramirez, Director of Experience Strategy & Design – SPR

6:00 pm – Networking and Food
6:30 pm – Talk
Panel & QA to follow