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SQL Server 2008 – Data Modernization Offering

An image of a subway tunnel with a green light in the background.

SQL Server 2008 is reaching end-of-support status, and you’re at risk of not only performing ineffectively in an unsupported environment, but also being exposed to insecure activity. Now is the ideal time to rethink your database management.

Do you know what cloud environment you're leaning toward? We are a Microsoft Managed Partner and an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, with expertise in both landscapes to provide the best migration solution based on your current structure and future needs. We can help you find the environment that's right for you.

Here's how it works.



This ½ day session is included as part of the engagement, this initial planning session determines what’s needed.


  • Preliminary analysis
  • Plans on how to begin phases 1 and 2


This 1-week workshop helps you understand, evaluate, and establish a future-state modernized solution.

Sample activities:

  • Gather requirements
  • Set goals and timeline
  • Determine operating model

Sample deliverables:

  • Documented future-state options for data at rest and data in motion
  • Workshop / planning artifacts
  • User stories
  • Solution architecture
  • High-level roadmap


Based on findings from the Inception, this 2-week or 6-week execution phase migrates your on-prem SQL Server 2008 platform to the modern application that fits you best. Since we have expertise and partnerships with both Microsoft and AWS, we help you decide which path is best for you.


Sample activities for Azure migration:

  • Provision Azure accounts and databases
  • Reconfigure existing interfaces from SQL Server to an Azure SQL solution
  • Migrate data and logic to an Azure SQL solution

Sample deliverables for Azure migration:

  • Interface inventory, including new connection information and any optimizations performed
  • Data and logic (stored procedures, UDFs and triggers) on an Azure SQL solution
  • Operational cost estimate of Azure consumption for Azure SQL solution


Sample activities for AWS migration:

  • Evaluate existing interfaces for on-premises SQL Server
  • Create AWS accounts and databases
  • Rehost SQL Server on Amazon EC2
  • Replatform with Amazon RDS

Sample deliverables for AWS migration:

  • Interface inventory
  • Analysis of infrastructure
  • Costs projection
  • Code reconfigured