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ChicagoRuby: Downtown – Using View Models / Presenters in Rails


ChicagoRuby: Downtown – Using View Models / Presenters in Rails

April 5, 2016 from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
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Our Principal Architect, Karthik Muthupalaniappan, will speak at the ChicagoRuby User Group on View Models/Presenters in Rails and how they are a better solution over using vanilla helpers.

Helpers in Rails have always been second-class citizens. They have been abused in most Rails projects, burgeoning into unmaintainable chunks of code. This talk will explore how View models and Presenters can serve as a cleaner and much more elegant alternative to the use of conventional Rails helpers. It will also attempt to present situations where the two can be leveraged in a Rails project.

About the Presenter

Karthik Muthupalaniappan is a Software Craftsman, Clean Code Enthusiast, Music Lover and Apple Adorer. Karthik has been engineering software for over 13 years and loves using, building and promoting software that solves problems. He is currently with SPR Consulting as a Principal Architect helping clients design and build software solutions using disparate technology stacks in Ruby, Java, Javascript etc.