SPR Blends Onsite and Offsite Testing for Agile Development

An international advertising, marketing, and public relations firm was seeking to reproduce the success of a prior collaboration with SPR's onshore testing for a new cross platform website project. This firm had previously developed an English language version of an inventive marketing-focused website for their client and was creating a version for Spanish speaking consumers. This Spanish version included videos, games, weekly additions, and thoroughly integrated social media to market their client’s products. Faced with the need to produce this Spanish site within the strict confines of an inflexible budget, the firm chose to use the Agile approach.
SPR employs Agile testing based upon incremental and iterative methods that require a flexible response to change. For this Spanish website, SPR reviewed the project requirements and implemented a dual level testing approach for this venture. SPR dispatched a member of the onshore testing team to the firm’s location to work closely with their developers for the duration of the project. The SPR tester attended bi-weekly scrum meetings, provided on-site testing during each sprint, supplied continuous status reports, and maintained solid communication between the developers and the SPR onshore testing team. This Agile approach provided on-going feedback for the firm, providing a quicker transmission of defects to developers.
The second tier of the SPR strategy incorporated the proficiency of the onshore testing team with testing websites and web applications across multiple platforms. The Spanish website was tested on different browsers including Chrome, Safari, and Firefox and on various mobile, PC, Apple, and Android devices. Due to the early Agile testing and ongoing communication, the SPR onshore testing team was unhindered by any language barriers with the Spanish site and was fully prepared to execute functional and regression testing within the established timeframe.
Familiarity with the live English website countered any issues with language barriers and testers were able to quickly locate and log defects for developers. Using Agile testing methods with ongoing feedback of testers was paramount to the successful development of the Spanish website. SPR's flexibility in utilizing a tester onsite at the firm plus the remote onshore testing team culminated in the successful launch of the website within a stringent budget and timeframe.