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4 Steps to Test Software When Your Resources are Limited

Author: Nancy Kastl Posted In: Testing

When budgets are tight and cuts are made to development teams, business leaders must balance user expectations with what their teams can deliver feasibly. Today’s fast-paced business demands quick delivery of new competitive applications, re-platforming current business-critical applications, and addition of new product features to current applications. Leaders are faced with balancing the demands for quality software delivery and end-user satisfaction with cost control and resource limitations.

When faced with delivering software projects with limited testing resources or skills, there are 4 key steps you can take to continue delivering high-quality, tested software.

Testing helps reduce the risk of software defects, poor software performance, and a sub-par customer experience. Share on X

Step 1 – Start with a Software Test Strategy

Testing helps reduce the risk of software defects, poor software performance, and a sub-par customer experience. Whether the Software Test Strategy is a formal document or a discussion with documented notes, it should cover:

  • Testing Scope
  • Test Cycles Definition
  • Testing Approach
  • Testing Resources

If you are starting a new software development project, plan now for a Software Test Strategy. The project team should agree to the strategy before Sprint 1 even begins. However, if you’re already underway it’s not too late. Developing a Software Test Strategy will save you time and cost in the long run as you quickly identify gaps in your current testing process that can be improved for the next sprint.

Looking for Steps 2-4? See the full whitepaper below.


Testing Software with Limited Resources